Monday, August 29, 2022

The (fictional) True Crime Story of Cinderella - Part 6

One morning Anastasia woke up excited. Out of character for her, she gushed to Cinderella while she brushed her hair and got her dressed. She blathered on about a boy who had asked her on a date for that weekend. 

"James is so kind and thoughtful. He's handsome, too, and tall! He's kind to his mother and speaks very highly of her. And when a spider landed right in front of me on the desk he bravely came to my rescue and killed it. Oh he's just the sweetest guy. " 

James Milton was quite the dreamboat. Anastasia didn't usually go for sweet boys. She liked the bad boys. She had quite the reputation and for good reason. Cinderella couldn't understand how James could possibly be interested in Anastasia. Sure she was pretty, with dark eyes and auburn hair, but she was so selfish and mean, not to mention easy. 

Two weeks later she came home from school talking about a new boy named Daniel Stewart. He, too, was a nice boy with rich parents. He wasn't as tall as James, but he was a better kisser. Hearing Anastasia talk about nice boys like that make Cinderella feel uncomfortable. Though she had never met either of them, she knew they were both better people than Anastasia. The girl who suggested she cut off her toe. The girl who banished her from her own bedroom from her and tried to kill her mouse friend.  This is the girl who laughs when Cinderella gets beaten. 

Toward the end of the year, Cinderella brought in the mail and found an exceptionally exquisite envelope. It was from the McCune Estate. This was a very well known family in the largest house for miles. She took it directly to Madam who opened it at once.

Cinderella watched as her eyes grew larger and her mouth dropped open. Then she made the most unusual sound. It was something between screaming and gasping. Anastasia and Drisella both hurried to their mothers side. 

"What's wrong mother?" asked Drisella.
"Nothing is wrong my angel girls. We've been saved!"

Confusion spread across all three of the girls faces until Madam read aloud the directive she held in her hand:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is our honor to invite you to celebrate our eldest son, 
Emmerett McCune's, 21st birthday.
There will be three days of celebration. 
Our initiative in holding such an elaborate event 
is due to the desires we have to see our son choose a wife. 
We extend a special invitation to all young women 
16 and older to join in a debutante ball.

Best regards,

Nicholas and Chevelle McCune 

Squeals and screaming was now coming from all four women. They were all very excited by the possibility of marrying into the wealthiest family in the state of Pennsylvania. 

"I hope he chooses one of my girls!" wished Madam.
"I hope he's cute!" wished Anastasia.
"I hope there's cake!" wished Drisella.
"I hope there's dancing!" wished Cinderella.
"I hope you're joking." Madam responded sternly.
"No, I've always wanted to try dancing."
"Oh, please tell me there is a point to having such a stupid child." Madam muttered almost to herself.
"You, are not going, you filthy ninny. You may stay here and dance with your rodent friends, for nobody at the ball would want you there."
"But the invitation said--"
"I know what it said, I can read. I don't know how you would know, you stupid, illiterate twit."

The sisters then ordered Cinderella to make them the most beautiful at the ball. 

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