Monday, August 15, 2022

The (fictional) True Crime Story of Cinderella - Part 4

The Westmoreland County coal strike had been going on for months encompassing 65 mines and Jack Lancaster was one of the 15,000 coal miners. This was not a happy topic for his wife.

"How long do you expect us to live in this God forsaken state of poverty! We are being reduced to living in squalor!"

"My dear, I would never let you live in squalor. This is for the best. Soon the strike will be over and we will have shorter days and fair pay. And this house has been paid for--"

"Do not bring up those people!"

"I'm just trying to reassure you that we can't lose everything because we paid off the house with Cinderella's inheritance. Besides, I have been learning a new trade."

"A new trade? You should trade away that good for nothing little brat. I never wanted her. You should have been mine all along."

"I know dear. But I had to marry Estella--"

"I just said do not mention them."

"Yes Dear." He sighed, "Glass manufacturing is on the rise."

The contentious quarrel transpired over the dinner table. Although Cinderella was not seated with her family, she was present in the room. The reference to her mother and grandparent tugged on her heart for those were the only people who ever truly loved her. 

That week the unthinkable happened. 

Jack was attacked for being part of the strike. Police charged the group of miners and brutally beat them. Jack's rugged body was left limp and lifeless in the street; which left his family devastated. 


Come read more of The (fictional) True Crime Story of Cinderella next Monday!

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