Friday, April 6, 2012

A Beautiful Occasion

My younger sister got married last month to one of the greatest guys in the world. I couldn't be happier with her choice of a brother for me! They are perfect for each other. I had the opportunity to help them in a few ways. After they got engaged I took some engagement photos and I made their announcements, which look awesome!

Once those were complete and ordered, I got to work on their video. So... you know how when couples get married they have a slide show of all their pictures growing up. It goes on for a while, but you get bored with it, so you see a couple pictures of one of them, and go into the next room where the food is... that's not what I did.

I am an artist. An artist who makes animations out of still photographs. I created a video showcasing their love story. Using their childhood pictures in a more interesting way, as a background. The video evolves as it goes, the photos show them getting older, and the music underlines their search for one another until that magical moment when they meet. The whole world stops as their pasts merge together and they begin their new life together.

Well, I'm not gonna lie, I made my mom cry and I liked it. I am really happy with the way it turned out, I think everyone else was too. It was a beautiful occasion!