Monday, November 19, 2012

Be Grateful and Learn to Laugh

Well, it's my birthday. And I'm 26. It's weird how life turns out. My life is SO AWESOME! I have the world’s best husband! I have a few really great jobs! And Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Boy do I have a lot to be thankful for.

First of all, Austin is so wonderful! He makes every day bright and happy. He is ‘the butter to my bread and the breath to my life!’ Speaking of which, I made some delicious home-made bread the other day. We’ve been using it as sandwich bread. Mmm, mm.

 Things are going really well at The Center. I am loving teaching art, which is still a little surprising to me. I am sad that this is the last session I’ll have before The Center closes to move to the new building. I hope I will get to start back up soon!

I have been making a lot of art lately for various shows. I also got some into a local shop. I’m really excited about being able to reach my goals as an artist while working two other jobs! It’s hard, but worth it.

My last job is working in home delivery of high quality meats. I work with the owner of the company, Paul’s Fine Meats, and I really enjoy it! I have even bought some from him, myself! It’s seriously SO good! I’m one of those people who has always had a hard time eating red meat. For the longest time it grossed me out so bad that I couldn’t eat it, then I got myself to eat it at well-done. Now, I can eat it at medium-well! I am really good at this job too – which is a little surprising, since I am shy and I had never even cooked a steak before this job.

Paul and I have fun together. He jokes with, saying things like, “You owe me a dollar…” if I correct his math, and stuff like that. But he always tells me I do a good job. He is a kind and generous man, who I am honored to be able to work with. And I make pretty good money here off of commission!

We have had such a hard time with our housing situation. When we were looking for a place before we got married, I found one I really liked, in a convenient location, got the contract, and when I was signing it got a call that they couldn’t rent to us any more due to a family emergency.

Then we found an even better one, fully furnished, with less rent. We got that one, moved in, and then found the hiccup of the apartment. We figured out how to fix everything, or live with what we couldn’t change, and we’re really happy there. We live across the street from our church building and have a really nice ward.

However, we found out that our landlords don’t have clearance to have renters, so we are going to have to move! I could be really put out about this and feel completely discouraged, but all I want to do is laugh! It’s just the weirdest trial to have. But now, we are looking in to buying a home. Which will be so much better than renting.

I am so glad for this time of year! It reminds me to be happy and to be grateful. It’s beautiful!

Happy Thanksgiving!