Thursday, December 12, 2019

Getting Drinks is different than Getting Drunk

This past weekend and week has been really good!

Over the weekend I had several parties to hop and friends to spend time with. I had work and I had church meetings. I am a member of the activities committee, under two co-chairs. Things are rearranging a little, so they are grooming me for a more hands on roll. One of the co-chairs has been out of town and the other is super busy this week what with being in love and graduating all at the same time... So they asked me to attend a co-chair meeting on Tuesday evening on their behalf.

Tuesday was a very full day. I had therapy, or as I call it, HankMed. I updated him on what's been going on in my life since my birthday. He pointed out that it sounded like the dumb guy I had been seeing was maybe getting the physical stuff from me and the emotional stuff from someone else. But I think that is not really how it was. We had been friends for a long time, and we spent so much time talking and not having the physical side for so long. Once we finally made that a part of our relationship, I don't know, I think it was well-rounded.

Later I had a psych evaluation so I can get the medication that will help me feel like me all the time, and not have to deal with the lows, and feeling alone and unneeded. That was a very positive experience.

From this appointment I had to go straight to my meeting with the co-chairs. When this meeting was starting my friend asked me to join him for dinner, and I told him I could come once the meeting was over, I didn't realize it would be a two hour long meeting, but it was necessary.

We discussed the upcoming activities and how to be better unified with the rest of the leadership of the ward. We also discussed who would be a good replacement for David after he moves to Utah. They nominated me and I accepted. Honestly, I'm a little nervous to take over after him because he's done such an amazing job. But I'm excited to have a more involved calling. It's something I've missed and I think it will help me feel like I belong.

I ended up meeting my friend afterward and he asked me to get a drink with him.

It's funny because this doesn't usually happen in our culture. We ended up sitting and talking at the bar until 11 PM. Calm down, it was at Denny's where we sipped our strawberry milkshakes. When I got home I chatted with Henry Ammar and a couple other people a little before I went to sleep.

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