Thursday, March 23, 2023


Here is a list of attributes I see in myself. If I am ever foolish enough to open my heart again this is the standard I expect from a partner.

  • Loves God
  • Kind
  • Honest
  • Attends the temple at least once a month (Temple worthy)
  • Respectful of the feelings, time, and opinions of others
  • Understanding
  • Forgiving
  • Loving
  • Humble
  • Able to apologize
  • Patient
  • Continually working on improving
  • Smart
  • Capable with hands
  • Attractive, takes time on presenting themselves in a wholesome manner
  • Can and will communicate

Now, a few things I have to say to my ex-fiancé.

I lied to you once. It was on my birthday when I turned 35. I told you I went to hang out with a friend, but actually I did a boudoir session. I had a book of the pictures made for you and it was going to be my gift to you, my groom, on our wedding day.

I can count the number of lies I've told you on one hand. Honesty is really important to me. It's something I strive to live up to. I was overly lenient with you when it came to honesty. I excused it due to it being an attribute of addiction, not you. I understand now that those things are a lot harder to separate than I had hoped.

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