Sunday, January 15, 2023

The Curse of Thursday the Twelfth

The earliest I'm aware of is when I was a kid back either in 1996 or 2002. We were at the library on a cold December night. Thursday, the 12th. Looking for books on the shelf. When my moms turned back to get her purse it was gone. Her purse had been stolen. 

Another time was in February 2004. It was the day before our school Valentine's celebration on Friday the 13th. We needed some last minute gifts, so took a quick run to Target. On the way home the roads were pretty clear. We were less than a mile from home when we passed a high school where a reckless driver sped out of the parking lot into us! My mothers quick reflexes saved us from a great deal of harm, but my sister still had her clavicle broken. We spent the rest of the evening in the hospital.

There have been disasters occur on this dreaded Thursday the twelfth for years in our family. This year, for me, was the worst.

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