Monday, November 25, 2019

One More Down

Here are a few things I got out of our relationship:

1. Passion
I am a passionate person and I deserve someone who is also a passionate person. I learned that I can have what I want.

2. Momentary Happiness
If we knew the end from the beginning we would not find as much joy in this life as we can because we don't know the end from the beginning.

For example, if I could remember the plan for my life from the preexistence, I would have remembered that I was going to marry this amazing guy and we're going to have two beautiful little girls and then he was going to leave the church and break my heart. And then we were going to get divorced. Then I would meet some other guys, some great and some crappy, but then I would finally meet my eternal companion. If I could remember this, all of the process would have been a chore. I wouldn't have been able to truly love Austin. I wouldn't have been able to truly be devoted to him because I would have known the end from the beginning. I would have known that it wasn't going to last for eternity because of his choices and that would have taken so much joy and happiness away from me.

The purpose of this life is the Plan of Happiness. The veil is a key part in the plan of happiness so that we can't know the end from the beginning, no matter how much we may wish we could because that would rob us of our happiness.

3. Experience
I got experience. I got heartbreak. I got frustration. I got to bond with my girlfriends because of the things that he's put me through. I got time with this person. He's a son of God and I got to get to know him as such. I think there's good in him, though I'm confused and hurt by his actions.

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