Thursday, April 11, 2019


"I am such a foodie."

When I was in college I dated this guy who was a total foodie. It was great! He always took me out to these amazing places where we could each enjoy good food, try new things, and get to know each other better over a discussion of the flavor profile and presentation.

I lived with my sister, who is also a foodie. We would make dinner together regularly. I miss that time we spent cooking. We would watch Chopped together with our friend and then have Chopped nights of our own. We would gather random ingredients, write each down on a piece of paper, and throw them in a hat. After taking turns drawing ingredients we would each prepare either an appetizer, main dish, or dessert. It was so much fun! We started doing this with our family over Christmas and other times we were all together.

My whole family loves food. We love preparing food, plating food, and experimenting with food.  We even love learning about food. "Is this edible?" We understand food and how to find that balance that takes a good dish to an amazing dish. When we do use a recipe, it is usually when we are trying something new. Even then we tend to do a lot of research and create our own recipes for a specific meal. My younger sister refined her own recipe for soufflĂ©!

I participated in a Sliced competition put on by a major grocery store. I teach cooking classes. And I spent no less than a month adapting recipes to comply with the whole 30 challenge.

I think I could safely say that I am a foodie.

My family watches shows like Chopped, The Great British Bake Off, and Salt Fat Acid Heat. My mom taught us well. She always cooked real food. Preparing and educating us at a young age how to cook from scratch. Both of my sisters and I have taken cooking classes in high school and college. My dad bakes bread every Sunday. He likes experimenting.

We are a family of foodies.

Because of my passion for food and cooking, or perhaps it is the grammar nazi in me, I cringe when non-foodies call themselves foodies. It has become one of my biggest pet peeves! A saw a facebook article (so obviously, very reliable), that reported that out of 2,000 people, something like 74% claimed to be self-described foodies. A foodie is more than someone who likes to eat. It is more than someone who overeats. In fact, it is someone who can control what they eat, not eat what doesn't actually taste good, and more so, someone who can cook well, and seeks to learn about food and how to use it.

Allow me to propose a second option. There are foodies, and then there are food eaters.

I have a dear friend who falls under the latter category. She loves to eat food, but the quality of the food doesn't matter. For example, she buys exclusively cheap store brand ice cream. I despise store brand ice cream. It just doesn't taste as good, as rich, or as full as say, Tillamook. To me, it's rarely worth it. I love this friend of mine, but every time she calls herself a foodie, a little part of me dies my brain explodes and I have to mentally say "TER" after her declaration.

She is a foodeaTER.

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