Sunday, May 26, 2024

Still a compliment

I saw trevor after work yesterday. we had lunch and then he let me take a nap next to him before he woke me up so we could go to his cousins pre-wedding dinner. his mom seemed happy to see me, but i felt awkward at first. 

i'm feeling so much lighter. i feel like he was open with me and we cried and talked so much and i got so much clarity and answers. i trust my gut and it's been telling me he was hiding something. now i feel like there's nothing else he's hiding. l feel comfortable and safe. he's also made an effort to touch me (hold my hand, hold me, etc, very respectful)

we were both super emotional and crying and talking and feeling all the feelings. I had taken my piedmont water bottle with me and it fell and the straw broke in a casino. i took the two pieces of my straw out and turned the top thing sideways so i could just sip out of it. well i took a sip of water on the way home and there was one shard of straw left in the cup apparently. it stabbed the back of my throat and got lodged there. i panicked. i was coughing and freaking out. he instantly took control and calmed me down. "You're ok. you can still breathe, you can get it out." etc. it was amazing. 

He took me to church with him, which is a big deal in our culture. We go to a 31-45 singles only church, so it's sort of like making a statement. 

Over this last week I've had my kids so I haven't gotten to see him at all, but we've talked everyday. We tried to figure out times to see each other but I still want to limit my kids interaction with his family. 

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