Sunday, December 22, 2019

Mother Like Mary

Aubri Erbe is an extraordinary person.

She is funny and talented and I'm glad she's my friend. She's the only one I can be sarcastic with during church. A couple weeks ago we were talking in RS about ways we can be truly converted. Someone made a comment about how if she wants to watch less Netflix she needs something to replace it with. I said to Aubri, "Disney+" Obviously this illustrates the quality of friend and person she is. Well today she sang a solo in Sacrament meeting and it was exquisite and divine. Her flawless voice pierced my heart and brought me to tears instantly, along with most of the rest of the congregation. She sang my favorite Christmas song: Mary's Lullaby.

The first time I heard it, well, the first time my heart heard this song was shortly after my first baby, Amelia, was born. It brought me to tears then, too. I related to Mary so deeply and I haven't let go of that connection with Her. I have spent time creating art about her and what she must have felt and what she went through. I feel like I was better able to understand her after having given birth. And I continue to learn more about her journey through my own journey.

She had to sacrifice time with her child. She had to watch Him suffer. She was supportive and remained an example to Him and those around her. She endured and encouraged and loved the Dear One. She knew He was a king when she held the tiny babe in her arms, and she was able to recognize the precious time she had with Him.

I want to be a mother like Mary. Courageous and strong. Full of faith, hope, and peace.

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