Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Laundry is the Death of Me

I live in a tiny house, and I have reduced a lot of what I used to own because I really want to be a minimalist. I used to be all about the free stuff and candy, and I never worked out. But it was because I wasn't taught to and who doesn't love free stuff? Me, as it turns out. I have changed a lot over the past few years! I almost never eat candy, and when I do it's not satisfying. I also work out every day.

So today, when I went to change into my work out clothes and found all my laundry in one great big pile, I was, to say the least, a little stressed.

Let me back up. Because I live in a tiny house I don't have a lot of room for laundry. My kids have some clothes in drawers and I keep some clothes in a closet in my house and I actually transformed the shower to be a tall closet where I can hang my long dresses and winter coat.

This means I shower in my parents house (which is next door) So I keep the rest of my clothes in my room in my parents house. I have several laundry baskets in different piles on the floor. One is of my clothes, another is my clean underwear, another is my kids clothes, then there's the dirty laundry, and then there's the clothes that aren't mine that keep getting thrown in with my stuff, and finally the clothes that are too small for my kids. I had it all organized, though, apparently, it looked like piles of laundry. So I guess my sister decided it was her job to go destroy my life by throwing everything on the freaking bed. Thanks.

All of my clean underwear is now mixed in with my dirty underwear and everything has to be washed and sorted all over again. Super fun surprise.

Hey, it's Christmas time, so if you want I could have her bring the joy to you, as well. Meanwhile, I'll be here. Screaming into a pillow.

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