Sunday, August 18, 2019


I've had a lot on my mind lately. I've been wanting to write another post, but the words wont come. Here are some songs that I've been singing and listening to a lot.

First, this one is from a program I'll be participating in next weekend. I've loved this song for a long time - over ten years.
I sang it in a choir at a BYU fireside with Elder Holland. It's beautiful and hopeful, and lately, for me, heartbreaking.

"Fear not men, for they cannot hurt you."

Next is a song from one of my favorite plays. I have loved the movie since college, when my roommate introduced me to it. I fell in love with the play when my sister and I went to the high school production, also while I was at BYU. We purchased the Broadway CD that night. I saw the play again a year ago, and finished reading the book this week. I love everything about this story. I've been listening to this song on repeat.

Lastly, this one, because, Jeremy Jordan.

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