Monday, November 7, 2011

Meetings and Miracles

Last week was truly a week of miracles. I had so much on my mind of things I needed to get done. I was overwhelmed and stressed out. i needed to meet with a member of my board (there are three men who will critique my show and decide if i get my BFA or not. it's kind of a big deal). I needed to schedule the HFAC for my reception. I needed to meet with my entire board as a whole for my Preliminary review. And i needed to meet with the gallery manager to discuss my plans for my show and make sure everything was doable.

My first meeting went really well. He liked my work and gave me useful feedback. I was really excited because he understood my concept and felt like my work depicted that in a cohesive way. I left his office feeling confident.

After my meeting, however, another student caught me to tell me she and two other girls were having their final exhibitions at the same time as mine, and that we all wanted the same time for our reception. Unfortunately, one of the other girls already reserved the space. This added to my stress and I'm pretty sure I had an anxiety attack, I felt faint and nauseated. I had already announced the time of my opening reception, and my parents would be in town, and I really didn't want to have to reschedule or cancell it. But as it turned out this was actually a miracle in disguise! All four of us who have our shows up at the same time decided to do our opening receptions together. This way we will have an awesome turn out, and go in on all the refreshments together. One of the girls came up with the menu, something I don't have to worry about any more; and another girl arranged having live music, which will be AWESOME! I'm really excited about that now, and not stressed at all.

On Wednesday i met with my entire committee. Although I was a little put off that my advisor was 20 min late (shows kind of a disrespect for me, doesn't it?) this meeting went really well too! I set up my work in the studio the way i plan on having it in the gallery. We discussed my concept and how the work supports it, and even how the order I have it displayed underlines everything. We decided i should have three projections, rather than having monitors or a tangible work hanging on the wall. and my favorite aspect is projecting my celebratory finale picture onto a sheer white curtain, referencing the veil, setting it apart as something without anxiety, something heavenly.

Meeting with the gallery director was the most nerve racking thing I had to do. I was worried because I emailed the gallery staff the weekend before and hadn't heard back from them yet. So I went in to talk with them to set it up in person. I talked with the director himself, and he was really nice about it and I was reassured that everything would go smoothly. I met with him on Friday morning. I came fully prepared with a layout of the gallery the way I wanted it. He looked over it as I explained what I had planned. He told me what would work and where i would run into problems. He told me to not underestimate my audience. he also told me three projections would prob not work, so I get to use two 4-foot TVs. yeah, i'm pretty excited about that! He resolved all the concerns I had and said he was excited to see it!

I am grateful that God is a God of miracles. He knows what we're doing and how to bless us. I can see His hand in my life, and I am grateful for that!

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