Saturday, November 12, 2011

Publicity Done Right

Oh my gosh! I am SO excited! My show is next week. Less than a week away. But I am DONE making the art for it... and it's all awesome (obviously)! I do need to make Tiny Lisa more sturdy, so that she can stand up in a gallery for two weeks (Yes, I call the cardboard cutout of myself by name and refer to it with she and her). It shouldn't be too difficult, though, I just need to go into the wood shop. I also need to get the sheer white curtain. They didn't have white at IKEA. lame. I did get some bamboo for Becky's new office while I was there, so it wasn't a total waste of a trip. and meatballs. mmm, meatballs.

Another thing that was a big deal that I had to take care of on top of making the art for my show and having meetings was PUBLICITY. I made postcards for my show. I'm kind of in love with them. I want you (whoever you might be) to participate! print it out, cut out tiny lisa, and take a picture with her. if you can't come to my show, email it to me.

This is the Front:

This is the Back:

You don't have to get the reference, but when I was trying to figure out what to say as Tiny Lisa a certain video kept coming into my mind. You'll probably think it's really weird, but I kind of love it.

I may have taken this over the top with the fliers I made and put up in the HFAC and JKB on BYU campus. I think they are so funny, and I couldn't pass up this idea. It's so ridiculous! I cut the bottom into slips (not strips. I called them strips at first, but thought that saying, "Tiny Lisa strips for people" was inappropriate...) for people to take with them to remember the time and date of my reception.

awesome, right? Time for the Dance of Joy.


  1. waste, not waist. Sorry, it was bothering me.

  2. awe man... thanks, i wish i had caught that last night...
