Saturday, October 1, 2011

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

I’ve been really sick this week. Like, ridiculously sick. I’ve had the flu. But one funny thing happened that oddly reminded me of a video by Bas Jan Ader called I’m Too Sad to Tell You. After an exhausting day I was washing my hands in the bathroom and I looked up at an unfamiliar face in the mirror. What I saw was horrific! My hair was frizzed and disheveled. My face was red and puffy. I just looked terrible. And in the state of mind I was in I had a mental breakdown, much like the one Howl had in Howl's Moving Castle. I started sobbing. Crying out three words over and over again. “I’m so ugly!” Becky came in to see what was wrong. She couldn’t help but laugh at me. She told me I wasn’t ugly, that I was just sick. But every time my swollen eyes opened I saw that face. A deeper shade of red every time I saw it. I couldn’t stop crying until Becky pulled me away from the mirror.

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