Well, last night I had a dream and many of my friends from my last ward were in it. We were talking and someone said something descriptive using the word "sham". Someone turned, seeming confused (I think it was someone from my new ward) so the person who said it broke out into song, "I got sham, and it ain't glam..." waving her finger with attitude, then the rest of my old ward-ies joined in, finishing by raising their arms theatrically as they held out the last word, "it's talent!"
Who knew that was a thing? I learn so much while i'm asleep. I should do it more often...
I like my new ward well enough. The Bishop is phenomenal! And the people are pretty nice. Pretty and nice. But it's kind of different than what i'm used to. All the people are, well... they come from rich families. That's not a bad thing, but they just seem like they are still in the mindset that daddy will get them whatever they want and fix all their problems, and pay all their bills. They dress really immodestly - glamorously, and many of the comments people make are really shallow. It's like they mostly abide by the 'rules' of the church, but don't understand the gospel or live it's principles because they love it and WANT to live it. It's weird, but It's giving me a different perspective, which is always a good thing.
I think my dream was addressing the different dynamic of people and caliber of character. The one thing I wrote down in my notes at church yesterday was this:
I realized today that I am more attracted to those of spiritual strength than to any other kind of strength or physical attribute. If someone is doing their best, and seeking for virtue, they are the kind of person worth having in my life.
In movies, tv shows, or plays, the main character will more than likely be physically attractive. As the plot thickens, however, we may learn that they don't believe in God, or are lacking some other virtue, like chastity or they may have a drinking problem, or chicken pox, but we still root for them to win the heart of the heroine because they are the main character, and they are SO attractive!
But in real life, if I meet someone like this, I stop rooting for them. I don't mean I stop rooting for them to make good decisions, I just don't bring them closer to my heart and I don't see them in a romantic light.
In short, I guess I feel my old ward is more worthy of musicals, not because of how glamorous they are, but because they have what it takes to be in my heart. And that's sham. Apparently. So says my dream. :)
I got sham and it ain't glam, it's talent!
please forgive me for this image... it's more of a journal entry for a sketchbook about a dream I had than art I should be showing to people. It's not even completely accurate, there were guys singing too. But it applies here.
*I probably wouldn't have fallen asleep if it had been a more beautiful opera. and if I had been able to see the stage more easily (our seats were the ones rich, famous, or royal people would have sat in a long time ago to BE SEEN, and not to SEE).
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