One time, when I was in Rome, two of my friends and I heard about this gelato place that was supposed to be the best gelato in Rome or something. We were told, "it's located in a creepy little alley that normally you would never want to go down..." Well, that sounded like a good enough description for us, so we embarked on going down every creepy alley we could find. We never found the gelato place, but boy, we saw some stuff... I wasn't really scared, but looking back, maybe I should have been.
One time, when I was swimming in the freezing waters of Lake Como, I almost drowned. The current combined with the low temperature, combined with my less-than-expert swimming abilities dragged me toward the small pier, and under the water. It was completely worth it though. One of the most fun things i can claim living through!
One time, I got my heart broken.
One time, when I was in New York, I was trying to meet up with some friends, but I kinda got lost and took the subway to a part of town that was sketch. It didn't take long for me to realize I wasn't in a place I wanted to be in -alone- so I got back on the subway. I don't know if I was in any kind of real danger, I HAD been coming from the temple, but anything could happen.
One time I was in this souvenir shop with my dad, but when I tried to leave, the witch locked the doors with her dark powers and cackled. She tried to to attack us, but I woke up screaming. I don't have many dreams that make me wake up in such a way, but since we were on vacation, I also woke the rest of my family. (sorry)
There are more serious dangers I have been in, but who wants to read about those? I can make art about those, and not have to talk about it with words... I think these are the things that inform the way I view life. They broaden my outlook. Sure, dangerous events make good stories, but they can also build character, and strengthen my abilities to conquer even more.
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