Tuesday, January 7, 2020


I never do well with new things. I hate being the new person, and feel anxiety when faced with having to meet someone new, learn something new, or do something new. This creeps into relationships in a bad way - I tend to run and hide, emotionally and physically. I think it's based out of caution. I've been hurt, so I am always slow and cautious when approaching something new.

This year I've been trying to embrace the new. I haven't been great at it, and I have already run away to hide, but I'm trying. I want to be a new version of myself. I have started a new medication to help with my anxiety and I feel like a cloud has been removed from my mind. I had one day where I couldn't get out of bed until 3pm, but that is a lot better than before when it's taken a whole week. I feel like I'm overcoming some of the challenges in my life, but I'm being met with new and wholly different ones.

I was lacking peace in my life and feeling overwhelmed. But when I went to the temple last Friday, and sat down in the chapel, I was filled with peace. I was still. One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm 46:10 Be still, and know that I am God. I was able to still my mind in the presence of my God and I could feel His awareness of me and His love for me. I felt comfort in moving forward and I trust Him to never lead me somewhere I shouldn't be.

Today Calee Reed shared this song and I actually don't think i've heard it before. Peace is something I seek on a daily basis. It's something I just told my friend I would ask God for if I could have anything. I'm so grateful to know where to find it, and that I have been blessed with so much of it.

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