Monday, September 30, 2019

Is the Moon the Sun?

On the way home from dropping off Amelia today, Eva asked me a question that got me thinking. She asked, "Mommy, is the sun the moon, or is the moon the sun?"

First I told her that she was silly. That she was asking the same question in two different ways. "The moon is not the sun and the sun is not the moon, silly Eva. But you can only see the moon because of the sun. The sun shines so brightly onto the moon that when there's a full moon it can light up the sky."

I was rambling, but somewhere in that speech to my four-year-old the symbolism hit me and a song came into my mind.

I Am like a Star
I am like a star shining brightly, smiling for the whole world to see. I can do and say happy things each day, for I know Heav’nly Father loves me.

I thought to myself, while I have a light to share with others, it comes from Christ, the Son of God. Without Him, I would not shine. A star has its own light but the moon appears brighter than the stars because of the sun's light. Thus, the song should be rewritten to this:

I am Like a Moon
I am like a moon shining brightly, smiling for the Savior's with me. I can strive to be as kind as Christ shows me, for I know Heav’nly Father loves me.

The sun's light is always shining on the moon but sometimes the moon doesn't show it's full potential. It goes through phases. From full to gibbous to crescent to new. If it were to stop going through phases it would be because the world had ended. We, too, will continue to go through phases of spiritual strength and phases of trial and darkness. Sometimes we have more light to give. And sometimes we can barely manage a smile. But Even when we can't see the Light of Christ, know it's there as sure as the sun.

So, Eva, the sun is not the moon, but maybe the moon is the sun.

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