Tuesday, April 2, 2013

A little BIG news

For some reason, that I cannot fathom, I have had this episode of Full House on my mind a lot lately...

We had another appointment today. It was really amazing! We got to hear our babys heartbeat for the first time. I can not express to you how incredible this was. To hear my own heartbeat and then a tiny one right next to it. In MY body. I realized the miracle that is occurring within me and I was entirely overwhelmed. Austin said he could see how it affected me on my face, and I admit that I teared up a little.

That silly little fetus started dancing around--moving out of the scope of the monitor, making my midwife have to chase it around my belly. Already, at 15 weeks, my baby has a cute little personality (that may or may not reflect the jokesters that are its parents).

I'm so excited to meet this little angel in a just a few months!

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