Thankfully I had my family there to help! It was a lot of work, especially the Tiny Lisa photos. I had to get them into a perfect grid. The gallery provided a laser level for us to use, which helped a lot with making the the edges perfect, but the outline was mainly my dad and Kimber!
Hanging the platform for the projector was exciting. At first, it was too close to the wall, making the size of the projection too small, so we had to move it back. It wasn't easy. but it was worth it. Hanging the veil was fun. I had my mom sew the top so that we would have something to thread the cable through. The challenge with the veil was complicated. It was far enough away from the wall that the image was nearly completely corrupted. You couldn't make out as many of the faces as you could have if I had printed it out as large as it was. On the other hand, it was probably better conceptually this way. I decided to pin up the top of the veil so that it billowed out a little, bunching the extra on the sides which would then fall forward too. This created a nice frame, made the image much more readable, and still referenced the veil. Awesome!
Here's a close up of the title of this piece:
The animations look amazing on the 4 foot TVs and 5 foot pedestals. All I had to do there was burn the DVDs. Thanks to Becky this worked out perfectly too!
Anxiety in Church
Anxiety in Public (watch this all the way through)
The vinyl was fun. I wanted to have the gallery print out the cutout I had created in adobe illustrator, but they didn't, so i had to create it freehand. It was fun though. I stood up against the wall while my mom and sister traced my silhouette with strips of vinyl. Then we adjusted it.
The first thing you see when you come to my gallery is a wall with my artist statement on it. (I like that you're confronted with a wall, it adds to my concept so subtly, and yet so poignantly.)
The lighting is dramatic, but necessary. I love it. It had to be dark for the projection; which is why the wall is there, to keep the outside light outside.
I had the review with my committee on Tuesday. It went really well! They all told me I had exceeded their expectations. They said that if they came in thinking it was an MFA (Masters of Fine Art) show they would believe it. They talked about each aspect of it, and let me explain further. When I told them about how real Tiny Lisa is to me (that I call her by name and everything) they pointed out that I think of her as a separate person, so the Tiny Lisa photos aren't even self portraits in a way. They said that must be a defense mechanism in a way. As I think about that I think that is really true. When I am on stage or in a role that is not my own, I am fearless, I can do anything without timidity. That's what Tiny Lisa does for me. She is also 2-dimensional in every way. After we talked about my show they asked what my plans were from here. I told them I want to have more shows like this one and I might do grad school. They told me about grad schools and that I could go anywhere because my portfolio is strong. Then they talked with me about the benefits of various ones.
My show will be up until November 29th. I have to take it down on the 30th. So act fast! You really don't want to miss it! (This post has taken me so long to write! Every time I work on it, something else comes up to steal me away.)
This has been a good week: Thursday was my opening reception, Friday and Saturday I celebrated my birthday, Sunday was good, Monday I was the featured artist in the DVA newsletter!!

Tuesday was my review, Wednesday I got to relax with great friends, and now it's Thanksgiving!
Could life get better than this? I submit that it could not!
I'm grateful my show is up, and that it was received so well and I am so grateful for the people in my life and the help and support they have given me. I look forward to having a party with all of you in Heaven!
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