Friday, June 9, 2023

Cinderella's dark and twisted secret

 I wanted to see how Ai would wrote the story of Cinderella if she became a serial killer. And see how it differed from my story. Her it is: 

Once upon a time, there was a young woman named Cinderella. She lived with her cruel stepmother and stepsisters who treated her terribly. However, Cinderella had a dark and twisted secret. She was a serial killer.

She would sneak out at night, dressed in black, and hunt down her victims. No one suspected sweet and innocent Cinderella to be capable of such heinous crimes.

One day, the prince of the kingdom announced a grand ball, and of course, Cinderella's stepsisters were invited. She begged to go with them, but her stepmother forbade it. Cinderella knew that this was the perfect opportunity to strike.

She waited until her family left for the ball, then she slipped out and killed them one by one. She left the bodies hidden in the forest, and no one suspected a thing.

Cinderella then went to the ball dressed in her finest clothes and met the prince. They danced the night away, and he fell in love with her. However, when he tried to find her the next day, she was nowhere to be found.

The prince searched the entire kingdom for her, but Cinderella was long gone. She continued her killing spree, targeting those who she felt deserved it. She became known as the "Midnight Murderer," and the people of the kingdom lived in fear.

Eventually, the prince discovered that Cinderella was the killer and tried to bring her to justice. But she was too clever and managed to escape, disappearing into the night.

And so, Cinderella remained a serial killer, forever on the run, a dark and twisted version of the fairy tale we all know and love.

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