Sunday, April 9, 2023

So I'm a hippy

Trevor is a Taurus.  I am a Scorpio. 

You can have whatever opinion you want to have when it comes to the stars, the stones, the oils, or the affirmations. I choose to believe that God created all things for our good and benefit. Which means we can use these things to learn from and help us heal.

I have spent the last four months in misery. Crumpled. But it has given me time to reflect on what I truly want. I have looked at our relationship to evaluate if it was healthy. I have concluded that, notwithstanding our own weaknesses and sicknesses, yes, we had a good relationship with healthy practices. We weren't codependent or toxic. We were best friends who loved each other and knew how to take care of each other. I liked myself, who I was, when I was with him. And I liked who he was, too. 

I know what I want now, and that is not to be married. Although I still need to work through the absolute heartbreak I feel every time I think about the fact that means I don't get to have more babies. I so desperately always wanted to carry and nurse all the babies. But I do want to spend the next ten years focusing on being a mom. 

My girls and I are so close and I cherish our time together. We share a bed even though they have their own. We prefer to snuggle. I want to share my bed with them for the next ten years if they want to continue to share with me. And that means I won't be sharing it with anyone else. 

Growing and freeing the physical aspect of our relationship was the main reason I wanted to get married sooner than later. That and having babies before I'm too old. One in the same. 

I'm hopeful that this step back will turn out to be a good reset. I think our relationship is worth fighting for and working for and ignoring all the outside influences that make us feel like we should be married already and what the heck is taking so long (how about, mind your own damn business and let me live my life the way I need to and the way God leads me to).


Taurus and Scorpio love compatibility is potentially solid as they both help each other grow and involves immense trust with mutual goals. The Venus native Taurus and the Mars native Scorpio make sparks fly with their bonding and togetherness. Thus, a Taurus-Scorpio couple holds all the aces when with each other.


Tauruses are grounded earth signs who tend to be realists rather than pessimists, but it's because of their stubborn streak that these motivated self-starters will rarely ask for help. This makes them "come across as ultra-competitive."

Their bullheaded ways also make them fiercely resistant to change, looking at only the negative of a situation if it takes them out of their comfort zone.


Scorpio is like Cancer and Pisces, they are a very emotional water sign. And like Capricorn, they keep these emotions bottled up. "Scorpios typically have a hard time trusting others because of past hurt," 

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