Saturday, April 1, 2023


Sometimes bad things happen to us. Things that are out of our control. It can make us feel sad, angry, and even alone. But we can choose to be happy, even when things don't go our way.

This is the story of Drella.

Drella's mom and dad got divorced. Which meant she only got to see her dad for the summers. She missed him so much, but was glad she got to spend so much time with her mom!

She had so much fun with her dad last summer that she was really looking forward to visiting him this summer. But when she got there he told her he was getting married to a lady with two little girls around her age. She liked them but they didn't seem to like her. "Maybe they're shy"

Drella still had to clean her room but her new step sisters just made messes. Drella still had to use her manners, but her new step sisters never said please or thank you. But Drella gave them the benefit of the doubt. "Maybe they never learned to pick up their toys." "I guess they didn't grow up learning to be polite."

Over the summer they learned to get along. Blending a family is hard work. They did lots of fun things. When they went fishing everyone caught a fish except Drella. "That's okay, I'm just glad I got to come along!" They watched movies and ate a special blend of popcorn with candy. 


At the end of the summer they had a wedding. The day before the wedding they realized that Drella didn't have a dress. "That's okay, I can just wear this." But they took her to a special dress shop.

The wedding was at a beautiful place that looked like a palace. Everyone got to dance until their feet were so tired they kicked their shoes off. 

Sometimes things happen that seem bad, but in the end it turns out to be happy after all. 

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