Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year, New Fear

 New Year, New Fear. 

Just kidding, well, sorta. I mean, I said it because I think the new you phrase is stupid, but new things are always a little scary. 

Because it's unknown. Because it's intimidating. Because it's different.

New Years Party 2019

I have a lot of new things coming this year. Likewise, the past three years have been full of new things for me. 

New Years Party 2020

First of all is Trevor. We met and started dating three years ago today. New relationships can be scary, especially as a single mom, because there are more hearts that get entwined and vulnerable. While Trevor and I have been through a lot these last three years, good, bad, and ugly, we've grown together and have each become closer and more like God.

New Years Party 2021

Next, and possibly most transformative, is my career. I left teaching art due to covid, and I miss it a lot! I loved teaching. I was able to work for Shutterfly as a photo editor as well as David's Bridal as a CSR. Both of these rolls helped me grow my understanding and abilities in customer service, as well as make and have friends in the work place. Now I work as an ops agent for piedmont airlines, and I really enjoy it. I am feeling pushed from multiple directions to become a manager. Financially I think that would be a good choice, but personally, as a mom, I don't want to sacrifice that much extra time away from my kids. Learning the airline and operations has been intimidating, but now it's familiar. 

My kids have grown and changed so much. They aren't babies any more, but rather, pre-teens. What?!?! Their interests are changing. Their friends are changing. I just want time to slow down. 

I so grateful for the constants in my life. I'm grateful for God. His plan for me. And His love and guidance I can always rely on. Even when I don't feel Him and understand, I know He's there and that He cares.

New Years Party 2022

I'm grateful to marry Trevor next month. I can't believe it's almost here. Our six month engagement flew by! I've enjoyed being engaged. It's a lot of work. That's something I don't think grooms really consider. The engagement is the time you have to plan everything. Venue. Food. Theme. Date. Guest list. Dress. Colors. Flowers. Cake. Wedding night hotel. Honeymoon. Stationary. Hair and make-up. Photographer. The list goes on for the average wedding, and we even have a couple extra things in our case, like a temple divorce. On top of that trying to finance it, have a place to live, and actually make it happen. Will it go exactly as intended? Absolutely not. Will it be wonderful and at the end of the day will we be married? Yes. Is that scary to think about? Yes. It's overwhelming and intimidating to get married. But I'm super duper looking forward to being married to my best friend! 

Trevor is amazing and amazing to me. He treats me with tenderness and respect. He loves me and makes an effort to love me the way I need to be loved. 

New Years Party 2023

Here are a few goals for this year:

1. Attend the temple at least once a month
2. Read scriptures daily
3. Limit time on phone
4. Keep a better budget
5. Be healthier
Honorable mention: 
A. Celebrate New Years with Taia at the end of the year
B. Have a successful Creative business 


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