Sunday, June 26, 2022

Stand Up

I had an opportunity today to stand up for someone that I love, but I chose to play the tame-hearted, mild-tempered sweetheart. I could have defended him to someone who hurt him but I didn't and it's probably better that I didn't. But I still kind of wish that I had. And this is why: Today, I shook the hand of someone and restrained myself from saying my standard, "nice to meet you." I try to be honest in all I do. This person had been in a position of authority and was expected to protect the confidence that was entrusted to him. 

But he betrayed it. 

Instead of turning to God to help himself understand another person and the trials they were fighting against and seeking his guidance to overcome, instead of seeking love for others and trusting in God and that He has a plan, instead of standing up and being a true confidant or even a friend, he chose to be small, fearful, ignorant, and downright hurtful.

So, because I missed my opportunity to tell him to his face, I will share what I had to say here. And yes, I do realize he will likely never read this, nevertheless, it needs to be shared.

What I would have said is this: "I know exactly who you are (knowing look). I also know exactly who he is (gesture to the man whose hand I was holding) and I am grateful and proud to be standing next to him."

And then I would have added, "You know I really think the strongest people are the ones who have to go through the hardest things because it shows that God trusts them with such heavy burdens."

I didn't say this. But I did try to escape the room before he could approach, and when I realized we weren't fast enough I promptly returned to my loved ones side to show support and my true feelings of and for him.

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