Friday, December 6, 2019

Dear Sister

An Open Letter to the Woman (or man)...

Who feels alone and hopeless but you haven't given up hope.
Who can't speak up or reach out because you don't think you have anyone who will understand.
Who has to help plan a Valentine's day "LOVE" themed Activity while going through a divorce.
Who is not allowed to pay tithing or go to the temple.
Who feels forgotten and overlooked.
Who doesn't feel like you fit in at church or anywhere else.
Who has crumbled into a heap of agonizing pain, with shoulders shaking from heaving sobs.
Who is starved of spiritual light.
Who makes a decision everyday to hold on to the faith, even though everyday it becomes a little more difficult.

I see you.

I hear you. I know how you feel and what you're going through. Because I WAS YOU! I lived it. I survived it. You are not alone. You are loved. Even if you can't see it or feel it. I need you to know it.

You do have a support group. You do have a voice. USE IT.  Reach out. If you don't feel you can tell your mom, or your sister, or your kids, or your bishop, or your ministering person, or anyone else, you can reach out to me! I will listen. I will pray with and for you. I will share my story so you can share yours.

Don't give up hope! You've come this far, hold on a little longer. I know it's hard, but it's worth it! God loves you! And He knows you and what you're going through. I know you can't see it yet, but the end of this trial is near. I promise.

Maybe I'm still that girl but now I have a voice. Now I've been liberated. I am free. And I am stronger for what I've been through. And you will be, too.

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