Saturday, July 30, 2016

It's Not Easy Being Green

The other day I was at Home Depot. I needed to get some wood and have it cut down. When I was checking out, the cashier asked me if I wanted to them to email me my receipt. I felt a pang in my heart. I like being green, I thought, let's save the planet one receipt at a time. So I said yes and took the extra couple minutes to fill in my email address so they could send the electronic copy of my receipt. There was a line slowly growing behind me, but I thought, don't worry, it's worth it. When I was done they printed out my receipt, shoved it in my bag, and sent me on my way. Face-palm.

When I was roommates with my sister we recycled all the time. For a time we had a "service" come pick it up for us. It was really just some guy in the business program, but we were grateful. When that ended, we kept at it. We would save all of our recyclable materials. Filling up bags and bags of it. Since we didn't have a blue barrel where we were living, we had to get more creative. We would load them up in our car in the middle of the night and drive around Provo looking for a blue barrel that had a little extra space in it. We would stealthily unload a bag or two into each barrel and then drive off like the recycling bandits we were. It was very exciting.

My boss at the Provo Recreation Center was awesome. She was very environmentally conscious. She implemented a recycling system so everybody would have easy access to recycling. The problem wasn't getting people to recycle, it was communicating to the custodial staff where to dump each bin. Turns out they put everything in the dumpster and nothing got recycled. Fail.

I try to do my part for the planet. I don't just throw away every plastic bottle or container. I even get the stuff out of the bathroom when I can remember. It all accumulates in a big cardboard box either in our living room or in the corner of the kitchen. We share a blue barrel with the upstairs and somehow they always seem to beat us to filling it up. So our recycling box finds a new home in our garage for another week.

What are some of your recycling experiences? Are you green? Do you take your planet into consideration when you throw that water bottle away? What does the environment mean to you?


  1. When it comes to recycling I miss California. My house, and everyone else's, had three bin, black for trash, blue for recycling and green for yard waste. Also my family saved all our cans and bottles in huge garbage bags in the garage. Every few months we would take the bags to a recycling center and get paid for it. It was the best as a kid.

    1. That's awesome. I bet my kids would like that, too
