Saturday, March 3, 2012

My Signature Origin

When I was in Italy we went to a place called Paestum, a Graeco-Roman city, founded around 7 BC by colonists from a Greek city. It was abandoned during the Middle Ages and its ruins were notice again as recently as the 18th century, following the rediscovery of the Roman cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum. While the main features of Paestum are currently the standing remains of three major temples, what impressed me the most is what I found in the museum.

There are tomb paintings and stone busts, along with many other incredible artifacts, but nothing could fascinate me more than the Illuminated manuscripts. I studied them for a long time, impressed by the great amount of detail, and whimsical little markings. I spent a long time documenting them in my sketchbook. Since then I began adding to the pages of my sketchbook more and more intricate designs and patterns I found anywhere from the most unusual places to the most beautiful and renowned works of art.

The idea of using these ancient designs in a contemporary way engaged me, and I felt passionate about drawing for the first time in a long time.

This experience influenced my decision to get my BFA in Drawing and Painting. I created many paintings that incorporated the patters and designs I found during my exploits in Italy. There is one symbol that I adapted as my own, which I included in all the painting, drawings, and prints that I made. I was excited when I got accepted into the program, however, I found that I did not completely understand why I created these compositions, or what they meant. Now I can see that they are emphasizing the details that make things as wonderful as they are, although they may go unnoticed if you do not look for them and make the effort to recognize them. It is what kept me going as an artist, so I could get to where I needed to go.

I continued to make these designs in my sketchbooks, but moved on to more conceptual art. I was push and challenged in the Installation class, and really enjoyed the Digital Art class I took in the Fall of 2010. In these classes I created art that exploited my feelings. It was very uncomfortable, but I have found that it is in the uncomfortable situations, that push you out of your comfort zone, that you grow and progress most. It is there that true greatness is discovered.

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