Monday, August 29, 2022

The (fictional) True Crime Story of Cinderella - Part 6

One morning Anastasia woke up excited. Out of character for her, she gushed to Cinderella while she brushed her hair and got her dressed. She blathered on about a boy who had asked her on a date for that weekend. 

"James is so kind and thoughtful. He's handsome, too, and tall! He's kind to his mother and speaks very highly of her. And when a spider landed right in front of me on the desk he bravely came to my rescue and killed it. Oh he's just the sweetest guy. " 

James Milton was quite the dreamboat. Anastasia didn't usually go for sweet boys. She liked the bad boys. She had quite the reputation and for good reason. Cinderella couldn't understand how James could possibly be interested in Anastasia. Sure she was pretty, with dark eyes and auburn hair, but she was so selfish and mean, not to mention easy. 

Two weeks later she came home from school talking about a new boy named Daniel Stewart. He, too, was a nice boy with rich parents. He wasn't as tall as James, but he was a better kisser. Hearing Anastasia talk about nice boys like that make Cinderella feel uncomfortable. Though she had never met either of them, she knew they were both better people than Anastasia. The girl who suggested she cut off her toe. The girl who banished her from her own bedroom from her and tried to kill her mouse friend.  This is the girl who laughs when Cinderella gets beaten. 

Toward the end of the year, Cinderella brought in the mail and found an exceptionally exquisite envelope. It was from the McCune Estate. This was a very well known family in the largest house for miles. She took it directly to Madam who opened it at once.

Cinderella watched as her eyes grew larger and her mouth dropped open. Then she made the most unusual sound. It was something between screaming and gasping. Anastasia and Drisella both hurried to their mothers side. 

"What's wrong mother?" asked Drisella.
"Nothing is wrong my angel girls. We've been saved!"

Confusion spread across all three of the girls faces until Madam read aloud the directive she held in her hand:

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It is our honor to invite you to celebrate our eldest son, 
Emmerett McCune's, 21st birthday.
There will be three days of celebration. 
Our initiative in holding such an elaborate event 
is due to the desires we have to see our son choose a wife. 
We extend a special invitation to all young women 
16 and older to join in a debutante ball.

Best regards,

Nicholas and Chevelle McCune 

Squeals and screaming was now coming from all four women. They were all very excited by the possibility of marrying into the wealthiest family in the state of Pennsylvania. 

"I hope he chooses one of my girls!" wished Madam.
"I hope he's cute!" wished Anastasia.
"I hope there's cake!" wished Drisella.
"I hope there's dancing!" wished Cinderella.
"I hope you're joking." Madam responded sternly.
"No, I've always wanted to try dancing."
"Oh, please tell me there is a point to having such a stupid child." Madam muttered almost to herself.
"You, are not going, you filthy ninny. You may stay here and dance with your rodent friends, for nobody at the ball would want you there."
"But the invitation said--"
"I know what it said, I can read. I don't know how you would know, you stupid, illiterate twit."

The sisters then ordered Cinderella to make them the most beautiful at the ball. 

Monday, August 22, 2022

The (fictional) True Crime Story of Cinderella - Part 5

After Jacks funeral Cinderella went from being a servant in her own home to a slave. Teresa Mayne Lancaster insisted Cinderella stop calling her step-mother and begin calling her Madam.

"You will address my children properly, calling them Mistress Anastasia or Mistress Drisella. You are not their sister and never have been. You are a pest. A mistake their father made a long time ago and that is all. It is your fault he is now dead, and it is your fault your mother is dead. If he had never had an affair with that woman you would never have existed. He never would have worked in the god-awful mine, and I would have had the life I deserve."

There was no respect allotted to Cinderella or the service she provided her former family. They even refused to use her name, calling her simply, "maidservant" or "freak" or nothing at all. Madam demanded Cinderella get a job to bring in money to support her and her daughters desired lifestyle.

Cinderella was now alone in the world. Unnoticed and unwanted. No one paid any attention to her once her morning chores were done. That is unless she shirked her duties of waiting on them hand and foot, day and night. She was expected to go to work, buy groceries, and prepare dinner unless there was another task assigned for the day. 

Drisella liked to come up with little tasks for her that were exclusively for the purpose of mocking her. 

"Oh there you are, Freak, my dolly is cold. Make the fire bigger." It had become a game to Drisella to try to burn different parts of Cinderella's body. Once her grimy smock caught on fire burning her chest. She had to slip out of it to keep it from burning her further, which left her standing in her underwear, which only gave the ladies of the house more ammunition against her.

"Oh wow, you scrawny thing, you have no figure at all, does she, Anastasia?" Madam remarked. 

Cinderella lifted the filthy rag to her chest and hurried from the room.

The mistresses would sit in the parlor ringing handheld call bells they used to summon Cinderella. They were famished and in desperate need of cookies and milk. But no matter how persistently they shook the chiming instrument, Cinderella did not come. She had fallen asleep at her mothers grave from the exhaustion of working all the time. This infuriated the ladies of the house so much that Madam came up with consequences for her. 

If she was ever late with dinner, dressing the ladies, cleaning the house, tending the animals, or any of her other many duties as a housemaid, she would get 3 lashings for every minute she made them wait. This was an exciting form of entertainment for the girls who should have been her sisters. They would eagerly count the minutes and not let her get away with being late for any reason. Even if it was because she was kept at work late. 

In order to remember her father, she investigated the new trade he had last spoken about: glass.

At just 11 she basically held down two jobs. First, as a full-time maidservant for the Lancaster family, and second, as a Glass-works Apprentice for Mr. O'Leary. She was paid a very small amount as an apprentice, but she was able to keep working there by agreeing to spend what she did earn on the her former family's dinners. For the first five years of her apprenticeship she mostly cleaned the workshop, stocked the fire, washed the aprons, and prepared the molds. She was surprised at the weight of the tools, but didn't give up. She grew stronger over the years. By the time she turned 16, Mr. O'Leary had grown somewhat fond of Cinderella. So when he had something troublesome to tell her, he needed a good way to pad the blow.

"Here," Mr. O'Leary said, "You seem to have unusually small feet. I made these shoes for my wife, who has dainty little feet, but these were too small and narrow even for her." He said, as he gave Cinderella a tiny pair of glass slippers. Then he added, "And uh, I'm not going to be able to keep you on any longer. I'm sorry." He put his hand on her back and she squirmed away, even though she was thirsty for physical touch. This habit started around the same time the lashings did. But she barely felt the pain.

This was the only gift she had received since her mother had died. She said thank you in her quiet voice, took the shoes, and carefully placed them in her apron pockets. She was afraid to go straight home because Madam would not be happy with her losing their only source of income and she worried about the lashings she would get for such a loss. So she went straight to her mothers grave to talk and rest. And to leave the glass shoes atop the large stone that now was perfect height for her to sit on while she talked with her mother. She accidentally fell asleep and was late with dinner. 

But this night, she didn't cry herself to sleep as hard, even though her back was beaten raw, because someone had given her something. Even if it had been trash to them, it was a true treasure to her.

Monday, August 15, 2022

The (fictional) True Crime Story of Cinderella - Part 4

The Westmoreland County coal strike had been going on for months encompassing 65 mines and Jack Lancaster was one of the 15,000 coal miners. This was not a happy topic for his wife.

"How long do you expect us to live in this God forsaken state of poverty! We are being reduced to living in squalor!"

"My dear, I would never let you live in squalor. This is for the best. Soon the strike will be over and we will have shorter days and fair pay. And this house has been paid for--"

"Do not bring up those people!"

"I'm just trying to reassure you that we can't lose everything because we paid off the house with Cinderella's inheritance. Besides, I have been learning a new trade."

"A new trade? You should trade away that good for nothing little brat. I never wanted her. You should have been mine all along."

"I know dear. But I had to marry Estella--"

"I just said do not mention them."

"Yes Dear." He sighed, "Glass manufacturing is on the rise."

The contentious quarrel transpired over the dinner table. Although Cinderella was not seated with her family, she was present in the room. The reference to her mother and grandparent tugged on her heart for those were the only people who ever truly loved her. 

That week the unthinkable happened. 

Jack was attacked for being part of the strike. Police charged the group of miners and brutally beat them. Jack's rugged body was left limp and lifeless in the street; which left his family devastated. 


Come read more of The (fictional) True Crime Story of Cinderella next Monday!

Monday, August 8, 2022

The (fictional) True Crime Story of Cinderella - Part 3

The following day Cinderella went to play at her mothers grave. On the way there she greeted the little birds bathing in the bird bath, catching one with both of her tiny hands and carrying it under her arm like a football. She picked little white flowers called oxalis, little yellow flowers called dandelions, and little pink flowers called chickweed. She gathered these weeds to decorate the two graves below her favorite tree. 

Much to her surprise, when she arrived, Gus was happily waiting for her. He sitting on the large rock that marked her mothers grave, nibbling on leftover cookie crumbs. She threw her arms up with joy, shouting his name, and then immediately crouched away from the frantic flapping of wings coming from her armpit. The patient bird flew away as soon as it was free. 

She picked up her friend who had come back to life and kissed his walnut-sized head. She sat on the ground and began talk to her mother. She told her stories of her new sisters and step mother. 

It wasn't long before her new sisters and step-mother began asking for things. At first they were small requests for Jack to bring home things like new dresses and pearl necklaces. Or for Cinderella to make them cakes and puddings. But then their requests grew into something far more greedy and selfish and became less like requests and more like demands. 

"Why should she get her own room when me and Anastasia have to share?" whined Drisella.

They compromised. Cinderella gave up her room all together. Her new sisters each got their own room, and Cinderella got the whole attic all to her self. The whole drafty, unfinished attic. 

As Cinderella grew older she had less time to visit her mother because the demands of her family were too time consuming. She had to wake up early to light the fireplaces, feed the animals, and make breakfast. She spent her days cleaning up after her sisters and tending to their every need, or rather, want. And in the evenings, after making and serving dinner, she was allowed to eat a small bowl of lentils or grains. Alone. 

One morning Cinderella knelt to light the fireplace. She carefully arranged the logs and kindling. Then she had to light the kindling and get it to burn hot enough to ignite the log. Just then Drisella walked by her kicked her from begging, pushing her into the fireplace.  Cinderella burned her forearm, but Drisella just laughed and plopped down to eat a cookie.

On another occasion Cinderella was talking to Timmy Taylor, the oldest son of their closest neighbor, while she fed the chickens and horse. Anastasia saw them laughing from her bedroom window so she rushed downstairs in nothing but her bath robe to order Cinderella inside to prepare her bath. Even at ten years old Anastasia was a flirt and needed the attention all for herself.

Her step mother always had something to complain about.  

"What is the point of having these animals if we are not going to eat them?"

Teresa argued her point while she stuffed a bite of egg into her mouth at breakfast. Jack surrendered and as he left for work he told Cinderella to prepare a chicken for Teresa's birthday dinner.

At only ten, she tried to fulfill the request as best she could. She was eager to please her father, especially after her mother died and he remarried. She felt a sense of competition to earn her family's love. She had never killed anything before, but wanted to impress her family. She asked their closest neighbor, Mr. Taylor, for guidance. He told her the basics: tie it's feet, chop off it's head, pluck the feathers, remove the guts. 

Nervous but determined she went home and caught one of their hens that she had named Lucy. She stroked her back as she carried her to the shed where she got some twine. It took her several minutes to tie the feet because Lucy kept kicking, but she did finally get it tied in a knot around one foot. She then tied the other end to a hook, letting the chicken hang upside-down. Cinderella pulled the axe off the shelf, which dropped hard to the floor hitting her only big toe with the blunt end of the iron head. She yelped but tried to swallow the pain. She struggled to lift the axe again. She gripped the handle with both little hands, took a deep breath and held it as she heaved the axe up and swung in one continuous motion. She knocked the hen like a piƱata and the bird swung back and forth. Realizing this was not working she lowered the bird to the floor and with one last try and all her might she lifted the axe to her shoulder and dropped it, driving it through the neck of the chicken.

Blood poured out for a long time, coving the ground in sticky red liquid. Exhausted she slumped to her knees and began pulling out the feathers. This was much more difficult than she had anticipated. She spent a whole hour trying to pull each feather out with little success. Her fingertips were raw and then she remembered Mr. Taylor had said something about hot water. Tears burst from her eyes. 

"This is impossible!" she screamed at the blood-covered feathery-corpse. 

She picked herself up and trudged back to the house to get a pot. She filled it with water from the bird bath on the way back to the shed. She started a fire with loose sticks and branches next to the shed. This was easy for her as lighting fires was one of her many daily chores. Having no idea how hot it needed to be or for how long to leave it in the water, she pushed the carcass into the water and left it as she laid on her back and closed her eyes.

Part of her wanted to sleep there for the rest of the day, but she could not. The throbbing in her toe drummed so loudly and painfully that it could not be ignored. Instead she unlaced her shoe and pulled her foot out. Her pain and toe both seemed to double. Horrified, she gripped her toe and rocked back and forth in attempts to soothe the growing ache and fear.


The pot overboiled. Indignantly, she crawled to the pot and pushed it over, dumping out the bright red boiling water. She pulled on the feathers which now slipped out easily. She spend the next ten minutes plucking and cleaning the hot flesh. At last she was done. She tried to put her shoe back on but it wouldn't go in. So instead she put both the chicken and the shoe in the pot and limped back to the house.

When she opened the door her sisters were playing marbles in the parlor. Drisella looked up and screamed. 

Anastasia turned her head to see what was so shocking. "Eww! What is that? Blood?! Get out of here, you're disgusting!" 

Cinderella walked around the house to the kitchen doors and got to work to get the chicken in the oven as quickly as she could for she knew she was short on time. First she rubbed it with butter and herbs and then she topped it with lemon slices. She chopped a few potatoes and put those in the dish with the chicken. It all went into the oven and she just hoped it would turn out okay.

While it was cooking she tried to clean herself up. She still couldn't fit her foot back in her shoe so she decided to keep both shoes off. Her sisters and step-mother had never seen her feet before and they didn't know about her condition, but when Teresa saw that Cinderella didn't bother to put shoes on when she served the dinner she had more than a little to say about it.

"Child, you neglected your duties today. My daughters were forced to wear their morning clothes all day because you were no where to be found. And now you don't even have the decency to put your shoes on when you serve me dinner on my birthday!"

"My toe..."

"Oh my! What is wrong with you? Look at her foot, my princesses, she's deformed."

"What a freak." Drisella mocked. 

"You should cut off the extra part so you don't look like such a freak." Anastasia urged.

"Yes, that is a marvelous idea, Anastasia. Go, Cinderella, take care of that eyesore." Teresa handed Cinderella a knife off the table.

Gaping, Cinderella looked to her father, who averted his eyes and clenched his teeth. "Yes, step-mother." She took the knife and returned to the kitchen, but without stopping she bolted through the back doors. Still holding the knife she ran to her mothers grave. The pain in her heart outweighed the pain in her foot and body. She flung herself on the large rock hugging it as if it could actually transfer to her mother and wept.

"As hard as I try to please them I never can."

Her mind raced and hatred grew, not toward her family, but toward herself. She told her mother about her very hard day and everything she had gone through.

"I tried Momma, I really did. But it was too hard. I couldn't do it. I can't do anything right. I think I hurt Lucy's feelings and I hit her really hard. Mr. Taylor said They don't suffer if you just chop their heads off but I couldn't lift the axe. I couldn't pluck the feathers. I couldn't clean the house. I couldn't even help my sisters get dressed. I can't do anything right. And now I can't even fit into the shoes you gave me. I'm worthless!"

She sniffled and sat up. Determined to do something to fix the turmoil inside of her. She stabbed her toe. There was a release that came with the act so she stabbed it again. And then began to saw at joint until it was completely dethatched. 

"There. At least I did that right."

This time the pain was welcomed. She preferred the physical pain over the emotional pain. At least it made sense. She cut off part of her dress with the knife and wrapped up her bleeding toe. 

She dug a small hole in the earth and placed the severed tip of her toe in it. She pushed dirt back over it and topped it with a smooth stone as if it was a grave. 


Come read more of The (fictional) True Crime Story of Cinderella next Monday!


This was really difficult for me to write. It hurt my heart. 
I do research on each part of what I put into my story. 
So I want to share this information about self-harm

Monday, August 1, 2022

Sunset Pier at Scenic - 2022 Exhibition

My artwork named 'Sunset Pier' is now being showcased at Scenic - 2022 exhibition, organized by Exhibizone and powered by @Biafarin platform.

To learn more, please visit:

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The (fictional) True Crime Story of Cinderella - Part 2

Cinderella was very small for her age and her hands and feet were under-developed. She was born with a condition called Acrodysostosis, which is a rare genetic disorder that causes skeletal malformations in the hands and feet. Overall, her feet we very tiny, except the big toe on her left foot. This toe was almost twice as big as the one on her right foot. Because of all this she didn't learn to walk until she was almost three. But as she grew through her toddler years, she learned that she loved to walk the paths around their home. She would watch the birds in the trees and in the bird bath, and dig in the dirt to find worms and snails and mice.

She had a wonderful imagination that kept her entertained with her newly unearthed friends for hours. She would name the birds and mice and bring them to her mother to share in the excitement and adoration. While Estella loved birds and nature as much as anyone, she didn't want dirty bugs or mice inside of her home. The birds she would allow. She enjoyed their cheerful songs and curious tilts of their heads when they watched her knit or cook. Cinderella would mimic her mother while she did these favorite activities. Even at a young age she learned the basics of how to cook and knit. She looked up to her gentle and loving mother and admired the way she treated everyone from, neighbors to birds to Cinderella herself. The two were all but inseparable. 

For Christmas the year Cinderella turned four, her mother gave her a pair of boots that would help to stabilize her as she walked. She struggled with balancing because of her extremely small feet. She had never had a pair of sturdy and supportive boots before because she was so small and had only been walking on her own for about seven months. 

Jack took his wife out to the New Year's Eve party in New York City's Times Square. It was the one of the first years people began gathering there for this celebration. Needless to say, they had a spectacular time! 

Within a week after they had arrived home Estella developed a fever and chills. The rest of the week she held her body every time she coughed because the movement amplified her muscle aches. She stayed in her dark room with an cold compress on her head in attempts to soothe a migraine. The next week wasn't any better. Breathing had become so labored that she had severe chest pain. Her throat was raw and tender and not just from vomiting, although that didn't help, it only added insult to injury. By the end of the second week she was coughing up blood and knew she wouldn't survive much longer. She called for Cinderella. 

"My dear girl." She swallowed hard and caressed her daughter's face, "Oh how much I love you. I'm going away for a bit, but I want you to stay true to who you are. I'll look down on you and always be near you." Her gaze lingered as her hand fell limp. Her breath expelled slowly and steadily until it stopped forever.

Cinderella, at only 4 years old, didn't fully understand what was happening. She pressed her forehead into her mother's.

"Love you too, Momma."

They buried her mother under her favorite tree and Cinderella spent most of her time watering the grave with her tears. She sang with the birds and brought mice to visit.  

By the time Cinderella was five her father was already remarried to a woman that he had known before he married Estella. Her name was Teresa Mayne and she came with two daughters. The elder one, Anastasia, was just older than Cinderella. She was pretty with dark mysterious eyes. The younger one, interestingly enough, was named Drisella. She was a hard-to-please, chubby three-year-old with high expectations.

In Cinderella's attempts to befriend her new sisters she filled a basket with her favorite things. Flowers and cookies and a mouse named Gus! Drisella screamed, tearing from the room. Anastasia was appalled. She didn't find anything welcoming in such a gift and threw the basket against the wall, stunning the poor little creature. 

Confused, Cinderella lifted her furry friend's limp body. Her heart felt very much the way it did just a few months prior. She thought Gus had died. She carefully took him out to her favorite tree and buried him alongside her mother. Sealing this grave with her tears as well. 

On the way back to the house her new sisters met her outside. She had stopped to watch the birds play and bathe in the fountain. The two girls crept up behind her. 

"She plays with such vile and dirty creatures." Anastasia said and pushed Cinderella into the fountain. Both girls laughed. 

"She could use a bath, right Anastasia?" Drisella threw a rock in the fountain to scare the birds away and the two ignorant girls with cruel hearts left Cinderella sitting in the fountain alone. 


Come read more of The (fictional) True Crime Story of Cinderella next Monday!