Monday, April 4, 2022

Trust God

I work in Ops for a subsidiary of American Airlines. One of my responsibilities is to monitor the arriving planes, see how many connecting bags there are, assign those flights to CONX runners, and make sure we have extra runners for hot bags/short connection times.

Sometimes I have these CONX runners call me to complain about how many bags they've had. They pick up an extra shift and point out that they've been here all day and want to know why they are still getting flights with 30 bags.

This happened today and thankfully my manager was sitting at the computer next to me so he answered the phone. After looking at all the assigned flights, and the few runners that actually showed up to work he defended my assignments. 

I am really good at my job. My managers tell me how good I am at it. I even have runners say I'm their favorite dispatcher. It's like a puzzle, and I like figuring out how to put it all together. I keep copious notes on how many bags each person has run. I make sure it's fair and I try not to exhaust anyone. 

When I have people ask why they have more work to do I have a few thoughts:

-Um, because your second shift just started. You agreed to work all day. 
-My Tuesday shifts go from 5:30 AM until 10 PM, trust me, you haven't been here as long as I have. Now go get your work done.
-I can see more than you can. Just trust that I know what I'm doing.

This last thought always makes me think of God. We are down here wandering around, thinking we know everything. And then we feel life is unfair when life doesn't go the way we think it should. 

God knows everything. He knows everything about your job, my job, Bill Gates's job, and every other job there is and then, He knows infinitely more. He knows everything because He's behind the screen of Life. He is orchestrating who needs to be where and when. He's not forcing us to do anything, but if we listen to His promptings, we will be as successful/efficient as we can be. And therefore, we will be happy.

I love my job because it's intellectually stimulating, helps others, but mostly, because it helps me understand and trust God a little better.

Today has been an easy day.

Some days get CRAZY!