Wednesday, August 12, 2020


The covid-19 pandemic has made for an interesting year. I personally have had a lot of good come to me this year, so it's hard to not see the positives: I met a guy who is amazing and treats me the way I deserve to be treated. I've enjoyed spending time with my kids and family. I've made art and submitted to galleries. Etc. Nonetheless, there are plenty of negatives. Yes the deaths, the sickness, the masks, the toilet paper shortages, the not getting to see grandma, the list goes on. But the negative that has bothered me the most has been the negative attitude of some. 

I am facebook friends with someone who at the beginning of this whole thing was sharing somewhat sarcastic, yet funny stories. Showing how she has spent her time in isolation. Perhaps it's the lack of social connection, but I have watched her turn bitter. I used to see her story pop up and I'd click to see the silliness or hear her lovely singing voice, but now I usually scroll past! It's been bothering me, but today she made one too many hateful comments on a thread of an incredibly kind and patient person. So I feel the need to respond.

To begin, I must remind you of my circumstance. I am a single mom, who started the year working three jobs. I lost at least one of those and had several weeks with no work at all. The financial strain was significant, to say the least, and I couldn't even apply for unemployment because there were (inaccessible) jobs for us to do around town. Many people have lost jobs or have been unable to work. Others have had to work at places like Walmart just to make ends meet. I have started teaching again, in the classroom. We wear masks and arrange the classroom to allow for social distancing. I feel safe at work and I feel my students are safe in class.

Now here comes the frustration. This girl is also a teacher. She insists that parents want their kids to go back to school because they (1) Don't give a tiny rats a$$ about the teachers safety and well-being, and (2) because moms are selfish and don't want to parent, "Mom wants her brunch with the gals time back." are you freaking kidding me?! She is so incredibly rude, inconsiderate, self-absorbed, ignorant. I can't even. I miss my kids when they are at school, but I know it's good for them.

My kid is gifted. She has had over a week of school and her teacher hasn't figured out how to teach online, so all they do is go over classroom rules (THEY AREN'T EVEN IN A CLASSROOM) and then talk about how confused she is about why she can't see or hear her students. Um, it's your internet. Teach something!!

This girl on facebook is not grateful that she still has a job. That she is getting paid. And that she hasn't had to look for work elsewhere like Costco. Yeah, teachers (good ones), are overworked and underpaid. This is not new and it's not due to coronavirus. She knew what she was getting into when she got into it. Mom's don't want to pawn off their kids to the school because "moms legit want their yoga time back." Mom's want their kids to go to school because they want what's best for their kids. They want their kids to learn. Some also have jobs and need to be able to work. Not everyone is either a mom or in the workplace. Open your mind. And open your eyes! Covid isn't killing EVERYONE!! It is probably safe to go back, at least as safe as it ever was. Did you know people die from the flu every year, and there IS a vaccine for that. Do you remember all the awful school shootings. 

We can't live in fear. 

And wanting to be able to send your kid to school to LEARN is not selfish.