Saturday, November 1, 2014


I had a poem on my wall throughout high school that I still remember. I think it's nice, and a good reminder.

I went out to find a friend,
but friends could not be found.
I went out to be a friend,
and friends were all around.

I needed a friend this week to help me in a desperate moment. I "went out" in search of one and came up with very little. My best friend, my husband, came to my rescue. It really irritated me that no one else I asked was there for me. Later this week I learned I could have been there for them, because they probably needed  me just as much as I needed them. The poem, helps me remember not to be selfish, and I think that makes the best kind of friends.

I recently told my husband that I have a crush on someone. 

I feel the way I used to feel when I was in a singles ward and I liked a guy. A little nervous to approach them. Excited when they talked to me. Not to mention how happy it made me when they liked me back. Well, I don't like anyone other than my husband. And this "crush" is not a romantic one.

Since I got married my life has changed a lot. First off, I live with a boy. I have to try to do my own fashion check before I leave the house, which is becoming more and more difficult with my expanding belly. He tells me I'm beautiful when I ask how I look, but really, I want to know if my shirt isn't long enough with the pants I am wearing making the bottom half of my belly exposed (I had no idea until I saw my reflection in the door to the pediatrician's office).

He's wonderful. So amazing, patient, and thoughtful. I am truly not complaining! I just miss having friends who are girls. Relief Society has become more meaningful to me, or maybe we just have a really good RS in the ward I'm in. I look forward to going to it, not just to be uplifted and talk about the gospel, but to make friends and meet people.

So when my friend came up to me the other week and gave me a hug it made my day. She crossed the room and made her way to me. That was it, the moment I knew. We are actual friends. Not just friends because we have the same mutual friend, but real friends.

I feel more like me when I have friends and game nights, and do more than just work and work some more. I also get to spend lots of cherished time with my family.

Here's something I worked on last month. I think I will go back in and at least add some music or sound effects.